
An encounter of God’s love for us is one of profound solace, a sheer unmerited grace. It is a gaze of God’s unfathomable mercy who stoops and communicates precisely what we most ardently long for - Christ’s eternal friendship and love. From our redeeming communion with Christ we experience what it is to be truly, freely and fully human.

It is good for us to stop and reflect on our relationship with God.

What most accurately describes your relationship with God?

Is it one of duty? Attending of Church, following God, because I feel I have to do it?

Is it based on fear? That if I don’t do what God tells me to, then I will be punished?

Or perhaps you are like many beautiful people that I meet who give of themselves unrestrainedly to others only to feel empty; not just of energy, but somewhat bankrupt spiritually and psychologically in replenishing and befriending love of themselves. Sensitive and generous to others with active hearts for social justice, such people are very mindful of loving God in our neighbour. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength, and all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself (Lk 10:27). Yet how do we love ourselves?