We welcome inquiries about advertising in The Horizon, our official magazine, or on our popular website.
Advertiser benefits:
- Unique opportunity to target your message, product or service to a large group of Catholic women in Australia as well as to the many international visitors to our website
- We have a reputation for integrity. Readers trust and relate strongly to the League and its’ message.
- Highly cost effective mediums
The Catholic Women’s League of Victoria & Wagga Wagga also has a social media network of more than 40 million with highly engaged audiences on Facebook and Twitter.
Advertising on our Website:
Only one premium space on our home page is available and only 4 advertisements will feature in the rotation. The dimensions are 480px x 75px.
Advertising in The Horizon:
The Horizon magazine is published 10 times a year, February through to November. Each issue of The Horizon carries advertisements in full colour.
The aims and objects of CWL Victoria & Wagga Wagga (henceforth referred to as the League) dictate that we must be discriminating in the kind of advertising that we accept. All advertisements offered for publication on the League’s website or in The Horizon are subject to acceptance by the Editors.
The League makes every effort to protect its readers by barring advertising that fails to comply with its standards of decency and dignity, that are misleading, inaccurate or fraudulent, and that make unfair competitive claims.